Sunday 4 March 2018

Carol Parker - THE CUSHION PROJECT sharing compassion and comfort through craft

"The Brief - 13 lovely artists from across the UK, the Isle of Lewis to Somerset, will be generously giving up their time to decorate a cushion cover with their individual art form to start off The Cushion Project.  A small pocket, sewn onto the front of the cushion, will carry a message from the artist to the recipient.
Once finished, the cover will be shared with someone who could do with a lift….a gift….at a time when their resilience may be particularly low.  The recipient can then, if they wish, create their own cushion cover and pass it on, with their own message,  to someone else, re-connecting and building resilience in communities and promoting health and wellbeing.
The first covers are ready to be posted, with artist’s name embroidered at the edge." Carol Parker
Here's mine - almost ready to post - just need to find the iron!

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