The Eloquent Fold, Phiona Richards and I, began our new Open Book project for Transported in Boston Library and were delighted to discover a space full of people waiting to learn new skills and share their ideas, hopes and dreams for the arts in the future in Boston and South Holland. It is a tricky concept to explain but once the folding and stamping had started and with a little encouragement from me, we have found that people were bouncing, sharing and generating lots of interesting ideas.
The idea is to create two books, one to take away and one to leave as part of the Small Library of Great Ideas, the 14 pages could be filled in one session but we hope that people will join us for as many sessions as possible. This week Phiona demonstrated how to create the book structure and whilst some people folded and stuck, others tried to express their ideas on paper with stamps and drawings.
It was lovely to see people move from bewilderment to excitement, there were lots of animated conversations, links made and good times shared. George came with his Mum, together they fully entered into the creative space their book afforded them, George is a drummer, his Mum has a passion for dance so they decided to call their book BangTap. Phiona and I can't wait to see how they fill the rest of their pages next week.
Next week there will be more book folding in the Reference Room with Phiona and I will be in the main space doing some print making. The transported team will be there to help with the Brewing Up - after all that hard work people deserve nice cuppa! We are loving our Evaluation cards and stamps too!
So next week - prints and books - pages and ideas. Yes you will be making book to keep, but also a book, or at least some pages to leave with us to become part of Boston's Small Library. So if you have skills to share, want to start a group in your area, want to be part of a creative project, this is your chance to get it on the page! The session starts at 10 and continues till 1 but you can stay for as long or as little as you like. You can see more on the Eloquent Fold Facebook Page and Flickr Set
Transported is a strategic, community-focused programme which aims to get more people in Boston Borough and South Holland enjoying and participating in arts activities. It is overseen by a Management Group, a sub-committee of Leisure in the Community, with artsNK as its lead organisation. It is funded by the Creative People and Places fund from Arts Council England.