Thursday 31 July 2014

Crumbs From The word Table Completed

Under our title The Eloquent Fold  Phiona Richards and I collaborated together during Transported Open Book strand and created three sculptural structures which are a play on a conventional bird table.

To make the word houses we salvaged old, distressed dolls houses to conjure up memories of childhood, to inspire, intrigue and remind  people that books are an invitation explore to many rooms, many worlds. Each word table has been collaged with book papers and maps, from old and unloved books, books which were heading for the landfill. I made a set of blue and mauve bird prints and Phiona transformed them into a collection of small, exquisite book sculptures to place in and on the word tables. Two of the word tables have small sets of shelves made from hand-sized classic hardback books. There are also tiny painted houses and the plates that made the prints are in pairs on wire ovals and hang from corners of each word table, casting a fluttering of bird shadows.

Spalding Library Word Table

Long Sutton LibraryWord Table

Crowland Library Word Table

You can see details of the finished Word Tables here

Now that our Transported Open Book adventure is at an end The Eloquent Fold would love to come and enliven, up-cycle, engage with your community, library, gallery, interesting space so please do not hesitate to contact us!

Transported is a strategic, community-focused programme which aims to get more people in Boston Borough and South Holland enjoying and participating in arts activities, funded by Creative People and Places from Arts Council England.  For more information visit

Thursday 24 July 2014

Crumbs from The Word Table - Long Sutton Library

After our morning sessions with the public in Long Sutton Library, Phiona Richards and I moved to the foyer of the library to continue working on the artist residency element of our project. 

The arrival of collaged dolls houses, strange stands and printed birds did cause some curiosity and prompted many conversations.

After each Transported day most of the artefacts 

made there way back to my studio

and at one time I had all three word tables in my dining room

which was a bit of a tight squeeze as it's not a large room. 

 As the weeks progressed it has been satisfying to see the pieces taking shape.

 Photo ''

A folded book made by Phiona balance on a book shelf

A painted wooden house balanced on a Phiona Richards

More of Phiona's beautiful paper engineering

created out of our bird prints.

On my first day at University I arrived wearing a floral dress when everyone else in the room was wearing jeans so it seems perfectly in keeping that I am captured drilling holes for the book shelves whilst wear a tea gown!

Phiona and I have been on such an intriguing and interesting journey 

and you can see more images of that journey by following the link 

You can see Phiona's images from the project here

Thank also to the marvellous '' for allowing me to use some of their images of the project.

Transported is a strategic, community-focused programme which aims to get more people in Boston Borough and South Holland enjoying and participating in arts activities, funded by Creative People and Places from Arts Council England.  For more information visit

Wednesday 23 July 2014

The Eloquent Fold For Transported in Long Sutton

The Eloquent Fold had a marvellous time during our three Tuesdays in Long Sutton Library, a great community resource which has both a sense of space and light combined with quite corners for reading, creativity  and contemplation.

 Each session was a joy as everyone made us feel so welcome.


We worked with a wide range of ages

 and managed to attract a few more regular participants,

all of whom had a wide variety of wonderful 

 experiences which they were happy to share with us

After a busy morning creating birds and words 

for our Long Sutton Flock of Words

we continued our tradition of serving tea and cakes in / on vintage china

 ( I always new my passion for cups and saucers would come in handy!)

On our final day our project was documented by Electric Egg 

who did their best to put us at ease whilst recording

 our impressions of the project for Transported

I have a feeling that I might be the voice over part of the video as I managed to stick tissue paper to my face for half of the interview! However the delightful crew were very patient and hopefully captured some of our energy and enthusiasm for our work and for the community members we have the pleasure to meet!

To see  more images from the session please follow this link

To see all the birds for Long Sutton Flock please follow this link

To see all the Long Sutton story prints please follow this link

Transported is a strategic, community-focused programme which aims to get more people in Boston Borough and South Holland enjoying and participating in arts activities, funded by Creative People and Places from Arts Council England.  For more information visit