Thursday 28 November 2013

Placard Protest Intervention

In a raised bed

not in a galaxy

very far from here

the action figures

 were taking direct action.

You can see the full set here

A downloadable version of my Protest Multiple is available on request. 

Monday 25 November 2013

The EMVAN Field Trip to The Art Party Conference 2013

I had seen a lot of the publicity for the The Art Party Conference 2013 and as an artist who has done much work in and with schools I was keen to go and add my voice to those who feel that studying the arts in school remains crucial. It was, however a long way from Northamptonshire and I wasn't sure  quite how I was going to get there. Happily I managed to secure a place on the EMVAN Field Trip and was able to hear Bob and Roberta Smith reading 

I felt that I should take some thoughts from the group we were there to represent and had made an A4 multiple that could be cut and formed into mini placards. The images and quotes were garnered during an art session in a school I work in. I was also carrying a tin of Dr Who action figures (right scale, 50th Anniverary link!) and had a notion I might find somewhere to make a mini protest installation. 

In the event there was too much to see and do and too many interesting people to talk to so I gave the placards to Andrew, we had never met before but bonded briefly as we had both been Plinthers during One and Other. I asked him if he was an artist, he wasn't, but since his Plinth experience he had begun painting and I could see here was someone yearning to continue a creative journey. 

Earlier I had pressed a jar of Miles and Dacombe / Light Walkers Foraged Jam and a folded mulitple upon Bob and Roberta - rather bad timing as poor man was trying to reach the podium to start the conference.

What I loved about the day was the generousity of spirit, there were free posters and cake, wonderful talks, great displays, films to see and inspirational, amazing people who seemed more than happy to be met. There was a liberating sense that the proceedings were non-heirachical, a space for many voices and many art forms. 

Richard Wentworth keeping an eye on the proceedings.
Dali about to act as Compare
Pavel Büchler, Stephen Deuchar, Cornelia Parker talking about "What First Turned You On to Art"



 Samuel West 

Airspace and EMVAN artists met and created Monkeyfestos

I met the enterprisingly inspirational team behind Oscar The Rabbit Doll @OscarTheRabbitD who says "I am designed! Children at a West Yorks Primary School created me alongside their film 'The Pirates of Rabbit Doll Island'. I desire national exposure!" Proceeds from sales will make sure that the arts stay at the heart of their school so I had to take one home for me, oh yes, and one for a friend!

I left feeling uplifted, especially after the doom and gloom surrounding the arts and arts in education since the recession took hold. Even though I know that the work I do with children and community groups is valued and valuable it's rare to have an opportunity to think about why.

You can see my full Flickr set from the day here

Sunday 24 November 2013

Walking North , Then South - The Travelling Shard Intervention

Last year we went to Northumberland and I fell in love with the people, the space, the wildness, the mystery, the landscape, the history. We were staying in a property next to Brinkburn Priory, we had a glimpse of good weather on Lindesfarne and the Gertrude Jeykyll garden lying almost incongruously in the field behind the Castle captivated me. I knew I had to come back and explore the area as an artist and thanks to Back To Books it was possible to return with Jo Dacombe and Kate Dyer on an arts and walking residential. We will be talking more about our joint experiences and findings on December 5th at Cranford Village Hall. (See previous post)

We each brought an activity or inspirational item (in my case I bought a bag full as I am useless at minimal anything, particularly packing!) - Kate brought each of us a book and on arrival we sat on the sunny terrace examining them. Mine was "The Hare With Amber Eyes"chosen for me because I am a collector. I understand the dialogue of hand and treasured object, know the passion that can grip a collector on the trail of a much desired artefact. I'm an incomplete completist but not really a displayer and many fear I may turn into "the hoarder next door. Slowly I am trying to filter, use or disperse things I can bear to part with, this may take me quite some time!

Aside from our joint tasks and observations I had also arrived with some pottery shards - Spode Trade Winds - with the intention of taking an imaginary tea with Getrude Jykyll in her Lindesfarne Garden.

Why Spode - I have family in Stoke on Trent, a large collection of domestic tea ware and a huge desire to make something about the connections and ties this creates. 

Why shards, because even when something is broken it still has beauty and potential, like the potteries. 

Why Trade Winds, well I happened to find some large broken pieces when sourcing shards for a mosaic project, the shapes were too compelling to break so I kept them. The fact they were made for the export market and that each had an engraved transfer of sailing ship tied in with a long seam of sea inspired imagery, thoughts and family connections. 

Why Northumberland, because there are such strong ties with archaeology and it is the pottery shards in the spoil heaps that help date the site and give clues to the lives of and people who held those everyday items.

Strangely at the time I was romping round the North and South with pieces of broken china in my backpack artist Kate Lynch was in the Spode Factory, during the British Ceramics Biennial asking people to think about how the ceramics industry / society could be mended during her Helping Hands activities. I did not know, prior to my trip, that she would be doing this.

I also took some spoons.

Lindisfarne was still busy, the Jekyll garden was full of visitors and I discovered that it was quite hard to interact with a space, using curious props without attracting attention, so I thought I'd just run with that and invite people to join in and lend me their hands.

Here is my first volunteer who really enjoyed the interaction. I have a large body of images taken of people on my travels in Northumberland and then in Cornwall. I am tempted to try and fit in East and West and possibly Salt Spring Island where I will be visiting next August but I'm not sure I'd be allowed to carry pottery shards through customs.

A week later and I was in Cornwall - South. My time in Cornwall was supposed to be a holiday but my brain just wouldn't switch off and I was probably a bit of a nightmare to be with. I could not resist taking my shards out and about with me and people were so lovely, so pleased to be involved, on the beach, walking the cliff path. We were taking a sentimental journey home via Jane Austen's house and I had hoped to tie things up at there. Thought I ought to ask permission and it was here I encountered my first resounding "No" the No Entry sign on the gate seemed like an omen.

The tills weren't working so I couldn't buy a ticket as I had no cash and the powers that be were adamant that I couldn't continue my endeavours without written permission and even though I accepted the decision and understood why I felt locked out, obstructed, doomed!

However they did let me in to explore the garden in the hopes that the card reader would start working before I had to leave. I was beginning to think that this place would keep me at bay for a second time. I went out into the garden in search of the vegetable patch which had inspired me to grow the Painted Lady Runner Bean on my previous abortive visit. The patch was gone, I met the delightful Head Gardener who told me rather wistfully, that it was under the new education building and that it was now getting harder to find Painted Lady beans to plant. 

We had a long conversation about bees, Zinnias, Tagettes and Love Lies Bleeding and I began to relax and enjoy the possible. I did get to explore the house and decided that what I had hoped to do wouldn't have worked anyway as there were so many artefacts forming the story of the house what I had brought would become invisible. As instructed, I wrote a brief letter to Jane. 

I raised a broken cup from across the road.

At home I made a multiple 

for those that remotely walked 

South with me during the week

Cornish slate, Cornish Tea, Lavender, some words.

Later in the week I visited some friends, a potter and her husband who collects Netsuke we chose a toad with a much stroked belly and ended at the beginning. 

I'm longing to share the works I made, but that, I expect, with involve another, more convoluted journey!

Join us for Navigational Tools: Ways of Walking Differently

“Three artists walked north, and became Old Law Beacons.”

Back to Books would love you to join artists Jo Dacombe, Kate Dyer and Carole Miles for an informal gathering to consider ways we walk in the world and how to walk like an artist.

Inspired by the artists’ recent adventure exploring Northumberland, the evening is an opportunity for artists, walkers and life’s navigators to discuss ideas about -

the experience of a walk,
       interventions and sense of place,
              connecting and navigating,
                     the tangible and the virtual,
                            and to ask Why do we walk? 
                                and How can we walk differently?

The evening will include refreshments and our home baked nibbles; bring food to share! 

Free, but please book a ticket here so we know how many guests to expect. 

7-9pm, Thursday 5th December, 
Cranford St Andrew Village Hall , 
Grafton Road, Cranford Kettering NN14 4JE

Event commissioned by Back to Books and funded by Awards For All as part of our current project "Marking Our Tracks"

Monday 18 November 2013

New Town Pioneers - How Was It For You?

Photograph by Andrej  Berezin

Taking part in the New Town Pioneers was an amazing experience and if you'd like to read Barb Jungr's impressions follow this link to her Blog bouquet of barbs. 

If you'd like to join the choir there is a new Deep Roots Tall Trees website here

Wednesday 13 November 2013

New Town Pioneers

For your delight, dear people of Corby, Northamptonshire, the East Midlands and all points of the compass , the one and only Barb Jungr, a Head of Snakes,the effervescent Gareth Fuller , a mighty choir of Seedlings and Saplings all bursting to sing for you!
If you'd like to blaze a trail with The New Town Pioneers this Saturday at The Core At Corby Cube is the place to be.

Tickets on sale now! £10.50 or £8 concessions