Tuesday 30 October 2012

Glorious Kew

I spent a wonderful day with the Green Patch volunteers at Kew Gardens and thought you might enjoy a few images of things seen during the day. 


Kew is really a magical place and the current exhibition of sculptures by David Nash was inspiring!

Monday 29 October 2012

Happy Endings

In October I was delighted to attend the Northamptonshire Community Foundation's Annual Award Ceremony as two projects I worked on had been nominated - New Vistas, Wider Horizons for Back To Books was nominated for an outstanding contribution to the community in the field of Arts, Sport and Culture

and the Wellbeing Walks / Mapping Project by Beanfield Artists - (Jo Dacombe and I) was was nominated for an outstanding contribution to the community in the Transforming Lives category. We were happy to be there to celebrate with all the worthy winners!

The Green Patch "Art in the Sumerhouse" project has come to it's conclusion with all the art works having been installed and a great party on the site last Friday. You can see what we made on the Miles & Dacombe Photo Stream

Beanfield Artists "Light Walks For Dark Days" Project will be concluding in December and our exhibition of the project will open on Thursday 20th December and run until 6th January at Market Street Mews, Kettering.  There will be more details on the Undiscovered Networks Blog in the near future. We are planning a splendid shop installation which will reflect the walks and interventions we have created since the project began last October. Jo and I hope to see you there!

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Postcards - Woolsthorpe Manor

Saturday hits its stride
Small businesses sparkle shyly
Setting out their wares

Exiting Nottingham
Heading for Lincolnshire

 Boarding our craft
At 11.40 unlikely astronauts
Bereft of luggage

We leave this earth
via the water bucket
primordial soup

In the still orchard
Newton offers an apple
The Flower of Kent

Star shaped blemishes
Spangled ruby windfalls
Destined to fill pies

Interior shots
Artfully forbidden fruit
Here is temptation

Newton's cat
Stretches keeping the cosmos
At a curved claws' length

Monday 22 October 2012

Postcards - Grimsthorpe Castle

In Grimsthorpe arches claim
Marcel Duchamp may well be
In the library

You will find us in
The walled vegetable garden
Under holly trees

Beneath the archway
Neptune beckons, planets spin
Turning tides, liquefying the light

Sunday 21 October 2012

Postcards - Ayscoughfee Hall

Your younger body
Their Isabella

Small basket in hand
Window framed and shadow lined,
Old stone, new insights

Her lover entranced
By dribbled words, transcribes her
Digital image

In the stone corner
Another transcriber crouches. Hold.
Catch. Breathe quietly

A whirling woman
Wears battered baggage lightly
Heel. Toe. Point. Move. Halt.

Cradle, stretch, tread this
Stately dance, timeless, graceful
Winding fibres taut

She is the action
A constant wool-gatherer
Axis, anchor, end point

Patient, persistent, 
Winding and unwinding the
Endless, captive thread